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Name Of Auction: WSI Fundraiser 27/07
Date & Time Of Auction: 2024-07-27 20:00:00
Address: 3 Voortrekker Str
  Longitude Latitude
GPS Coordinates 24°30'31.65"S 28°11'41.00"E
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WebSite www.wildlifeauctions.co.za
Seller and Auction Host Details
Name Wildlife Auctions
Contact Name Charlene Willemse
Cellphone Number 0794081675
Email Address charlene.willemse@awla.co.za
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Contact Name Michelle Slabbert
Cellphone Number 0670471662
Email Address michelle.slabbert@awla.co.za
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Contact Name African Wildlife Auctions
Cellphone Number 0878078374
Email Address info@awla.co.za
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Contact Name Wildlife Auctions
Cellphone Number 0824968888
Email Address info@wildlifeauctions.co.za
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Contact Name Grace Diedericks
Cellphone Number 0712208565
Email Address grace.diedericks@livestockauctions.co.za
Responsibility Administrator
Auctioneer Details
Name Johan Du Toit
Contact Name TV Screen
Cellphone Number 0878078374
Email Address tvscreen@awla.co.za
Responsibility TVScreen
Contact Name Johan Du Toit
Cellphone Number 0719890882
Email Address johandutoitjr@gmail.com
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Wildlife Auction Agent Details
Name African Wildlife Auctions
Cellphone Number 0878078374
Email Address info@awla.co.za
Name Amanda Du Toit
Cellphone Number 0735986761
Email Address amandadutoi61@gmail.com
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