{t}NOTE: For security reasons it is highly recommended that the default password be changed as soon as possible.{/t}
{t 1="setup"}Remember to protect your '%1' directory (like changing its permissions) to prevent anyone else from changing your existing Eventum configuration.{/t}
{t}In order to check if your permissions are setup correctly visit the{/t} {t}Check Permissions{/t} {t}page{/t}.
{if not $is_imap_enabled}
{t}WARNING: If you want to use the email integration features to download messages saved on a IMAP/POP3 server, you will need to enable the IMAP extension in your PHP.INI configuration file. See the PHP manual for more details.{/t}
({t}Note{/t}: {t}This user requires permission to create and drop tables in the specified database.{/t} {t}This value is used only for these installation procedures, and is not saved if you provide a separate user below.{/t})